Saturday, December 5, 2009

oh food - why are you so delicious?

I walked to work 4 out of 5 days this week (go me!). Although instead of picking up the pace, I think I've been slowing down a tad. Regardless, I'm still walking in the morning. My mettle hasn't quite been tested yet because it's been relatively mild this past week and I haven't had to walk in the bitter cold yet. But I will persevere! I just have to remember what hats and mittens are and learn to use them! However, I refuse to ever wear longjohns. Never have I ever (unless my mom made me in my youth, but if I don't remember it, it doesn't count!) worn them and never will I ever! I don't know why I have such an aversion to them, but I do.

Interestingly, I feel that despite my walking to work this week, I feel that I have in fact gained weight! How is this possible, I wondered. Then I thought back to my meals this past week. Not good, guys. It's not the food itself, but the vast quantities of it that were available and consumed by me. Apparently, at the hospital, all they do is feel the need to feed us. Breakfast meetings, lunch meetings, snack meetings, cheese meetings, cookie meetings, etc. And randomly once a month or so it's Cake Day! I'm still not sure what Cake Day's purpose is, but I do know that it means free cake. Delicious.

I have to learn to turn down free food. But it's really really hard! There is just such an abundance and it's all so delicious and, did I mention, free?! le sigh

So in addition to walking to work and maybe trying out a boxing class next week, I need to learn to say no.

On a side note, all this free food that is around has made us all dirty scavengers! We just lurk around and wait for the food. Actually, worse than that, we expect free food and get cranky when nothing appears! How dare they eat all the food at their meeting?! It's a sickness.

I used to think that it was just us, but I see it all around the hospital. For instance, on the 18th floor we have an auditorium and it also happens to be the ICU floor. I ran a conference there a few weeks ago and all the ICU staff were milling around trying to sneak food and kept constantly asking if it was over yet so they could pillage the remains. We at least have the decency not to sink to such a level! (Except that one time, but I honestly thought the meeting was over!)

And I've seen it in many other areas of the hospital. It makes me laugh -- except when they're trying to touch my food >:(

Also, working in a hospital, I see sick people all the time. I think it's slowly starting to sink in that if I want to avoid getting sick I need to do all I can to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I know that it's not everything and that my genes play a part and there are countless other factors, but at least this one I can control and do my best to ensure that I stay healthy. Rationally, I'm aware of this and, like I said, it's slowly starting to sink in.

Anyways, on a happier note I accidentally fell asleep at 8pm last night and slept for 10 hours. It was glorious. The less glorious part is that I had to go to work this morning and again tomorrow, but at least I'm well rested!

Don't forget, boys and girls, Christmas will be here in 19 days! *confetti*


  1. A serious set of longjohns (top and bottom) is like wearing chainmail under your leather jerkin... you're unstoppable with it... and a toque.. yup. a toque and longjohns and I could climb mt. everest.

    Food is the bane of my life too... I think it runs in the Cho side of the gene pool. It would be fun to have a calorie counter that you charge up by exercising... then you 'buy' food with it... for example: every calorie you burn on i.e. elliptical = 4 calories of food.

    Thus if you work out 500 calories, you could 'buy' 2000 calories of food for that day. If you run out of 'calorie-money'... well then you're not allowed to eat... done and done. Anyway, i think its a great idea and i'll market and make millions.

    ok, that's all i got.

  2. embrace the longjohns, kim!
    people will see you and ask why you are not fazed by the bitter coldness, and you will look at them and shrug like it's no biggie. and smirk to yourself, bc nobody knows your secret weapon :D
    it's a nice feeling.

  3. haha wow you people really feel strongly about the longjohns :P

    lol @ charles.. sounds a lot like money and credit cards.. and you know how good i am with that!! :P "it's ok if i eat this donut, i'll walk extra next week - i promise!" :P

  4. No need to turn down food.

    Just have less of it.
