Friday, August 7, 2009

..and boredom hits..

I have to admit - now that I am running 5-minute stretches, it's getting rather boring. I listen to music, but my brain is so unstimulated! I'm going to have to start doing multiplication tables or something.

Ah well. I will keep putting along!

I did not go out for a bike ride last night because I'm a lazy mofo :( I got home late, had dinner, and then watched Hell's Kitchen for the rest of the night. :D In my defense, I was at work for almost 10 hours! I was sleepy.

But I did run this morning extra early! Since I'm leaving work early today I figured I would come in to work early to make up some time. Went out around 6:30am this morning. It was c-c-c-cold! I was shivering! Although the running definitely helped and I really appreciated the cooler temperatures! Running early in the morning really is the best (as for as running at any time goes). At that time there were very very few other runners about. A few dog walkers, but not many runners. Usually I see a bunch in the morning. I liked it this morning! Nice and quiet.

So my shin splints are not so bad anymore, which is wonderful. I try to remember to stretch them before I go running or I will stretch them during the run when they start to hurt and they have vastly improved! However, now I have a new problem. My lower calves are starting to hurt now when I run. I stretched them during and after the run so hopefully they will be ok, but that's a good sign, right? That my shin muscles aren't doing all the work now and it's starting to even out? Does that make sense?

So here's possibly too much information for my dear readers. But it is about bathing suits and swimming. Now, I love water as we all know, but I think the reason I am only starting to rediscover my love for it is because of the whole bathing suit issue. I haven't been comfortable enough in many many years to wear one. And I'm still not really, but I'm trying not to care because if I go somewhere with a pool or a body of water I really want to swim in it! And I realize the only way to truly get over this is to become comfortable enough with myself and the only way I can see my way to doing this is to keep doing what I'm doing. But it's such a slow process and I want to swim now. So I don't really know what the point of this over-sharing was except maybe I'm hoping that by saying it "out loud" it will help me to overcome my issues. I try not to be too insecure because no one likes to be around that, but like the fear of floating body parts, I get twinges. Otherwise, I know I'm fabulous :D You don't need to comment on this part, by the way - I'm just sharing. :)

  1. How do you occupy your mind while running? Or do you? I assume some people just go blank and just focus on the running?
  2. Oh. I can't think of another question. Oh! Who wants to do a triathlon with me next year?? That involves swimming!! :)
  3. Speaking of swimming. I'd like to go swimming more on a regular basis. What are my options? Get a stupid gym membership? Icky public pools? Someone needs to move downtown and get a condo with a pool :) Especially in the winter when I feel I will be lazier.


  1. remember how we were planning to use the pool at davisville on a regular basis?? yah. epic fail!

  2. Your icky community centre might have an icky public pool.

    Try running without music. Maybe it's causing your boredom. I never walk to work with music because I find its better for my sense of wellbeing. I never find it boring and time flies to boot. But that's walking; maybe running is different.

  3. try putting an audio book on your ipod (??) I don't know I've never done this but it's worth a shot, you like to read, now you can listen. But in the long run i agree with Will, usually just going on your own without the aid of an audio seems to be best.

    The calf pain issue: It can be caused by a number of things. Ineffective warmup/cooldown - leads to muscle/tendon tears. Increase in intensity or mileage is too sudden, legs not used to it. Gait patterns, *** I know your arch situation and this could be a factor in the long run, I think seriously considering orthotics or some sort of arch cushion will do wonders for you (I wear orthotics). They cost quite a bit but are definitely worth it, and maybe you can get it covered by work. If you go to a physio clinic or a foot doctor they can give you a full analysis. I know it sounds like a pain in the ass, but if you want to make this a lifestyle change then you want to get it sorted out right away so you won't have any problems in the future. Remember as you get stronger and stronger, you will increase your distances and paces but at the same time increase your chances for injury.

    Try to ice it either after the run or at night before you go to bed, and if it starts to act up pop an Ibuprofen (advil) after a meal, it'll decrease the inflammation to your muscle, but these are just temporary short term fixes.

    Just remember this is the first time your body is experiencing all this so it's okay, it's normal, it would actually be really weird if you had no problems at all!

    I will do the triathlon with you next year!!

    Anyway, we should go out to lunch again soon.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ditto on what Shyn said... lol!
