Thursday, August 20, 2009

the long fight continues..

Yesterday after work I went to a softball practice. It was hilarious.

What I Learned at Softball Practice:
  1. I am afraid of the ball. Therefore, I close my eyes when the ball gets close enough for me to catch, which luckily so far has only resulted in me missing it, rather than getting beaned in the head. Though I do catch it on occasion!
  2. I have pretty good hand-eye coordination otherwise. In terms of hitting it that is. Nine out of 10 times I can connect with the ball. I mean it helps that our own team is pitching it, I suppose. Details, details!
  3. Sun in the eyes is the absolute worst when trying to catch balls. The worst. I just want to duck and hide because I panic when I can't see it.
  4. Apparently, you're supposed to run towards the ball when it's rolling/bouncing towards you rather than back up to let the ball slow down before you pick it up. I suppose I can see the logic in that.
  5. I cannot throw a ball. I understand the basic principle, I do. I also know I have the power. I just can't put it into practice! I release too early or too late and can't channel the power into the throw itself. I think I use the wrong part of my arm for power, which is why it always feels like I'm going to wrench my arm right out of my shoulder socket. Ok, maybe I don't understand the basic principle after all. Hrm.
  6. Batting hurts. The whole bat reverberates and now my hand hurts! I didn't notice until this morning, but using doorknobs and even holding a pen hurts. Stupid bats.
  7. In light of all of the above information, I am going to predict that my gameplay on Sunday (in conjunction with the fact that the night before is my birthday party) will not be stellar. But hopefully still fun! :)
  8. I don't like people who don't think I'm funny. Not just because I think I'm hilarious and everyone should, too. But these people just don't get me and it's hard to connect with people who don't find the same things funny, you know? It's awkward.

So there wasn't much exercise during the practice, but I was still out and about! Then I zipped off to pool and then, um, Korean all-you-can-eat BBQ. Oops. Although! I didn't eat as much as I could have. I did stop myself. Relativity!!

To make matters worse, I also did nothing this morning. But tomorrow morning I will run for sure! And will try to run Saturday again, too.

I'm really excited for boot camp to start, fyi. :)


  1. Are you gonna use "relativity" as an excuse for everything? I've been seeing that in your posts a lot lately.

    As for softball, throwing well takes practice, and ironically it's how I got my bicep tendonitis. Get a hat or sunglasses for the sun. "Suppose" you can see the logic in running towards the ball? /sigh The bat used to hurt my hands too, but that's because I was holding it wrong and too tightly. Batting technique is key.

    I think you're funny Connie in all senses! Haha! And don't forget, we have a trip to MEC on sunday.

  2. actually, it is my excuse for everything :) but a good one, don't you think? :)

    i had sunglasses, but when it's directly in line with the sun it's very hard to see!

    someone else told me to hold the bat tighter just as i'm about to connect..

    and i'll take what i can get!

    and ohya.. we'll go in the afternoon :)

  3. well well well you're getting your feet wet in a bunch of different sports now! That's awesome! Don't worry about the batting and the throwing, i've been trying all my life and still can't get it right....throwing is all technique, and batting is hand-eye coordination, whether you hold it looser or tighter you have to hit it on the right part of the bat. It's deceiving eh? What seems to be one of the easiest sports to play is actually one of the most technical!

    anyway! yea, lets go to mec this sunday!

    how does 3pm sound?

  4. You do realize I meant in all senses meaning... wit, timing, looks, smell, uhh.. texture...

  5. that's why i said i'll take what i can get :P

    and my timing??

    aand.. 3pm should be fine :)
