Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day Four: what the..

I think I have shin splints! What the shit. They kind of hurt like a bitch.

Sorry for all the profanity. :P

Now, I don't know if it's because:

a) My shoes suck

b) I've been running every day (which apparently I'm not supposed to do according to my lovely cousin, Jinny)

c) I don't stretch

d) I'm just out of shape

e) All of the above

Either way. It sucks.

Regardless! Though I did not run this morning because of the evening run last night, I did partake in some Ultimate Frisbee.

Thursdays is our UF league night. Supposedly recreational level, but those other teams are damn good! The first night we played the other guy told me it was their first time. It was clearly a BIG FAT LIE, as evidenced by our whopping defeat of a million to 2 (that might be an exaggeration). UF, as I have discovered, is really really hard!! It requires SO much running - which is also why I didn't feel too badly about having missed my morning run.

The games are about 1h15mins or first team to 17 points. Despite having won the last 2 games, we suffered another dismal defeat. 17-4 (no exaggeration). However, since we only have 3 girls and 2 girls have to be on at any given time, the subbing in was not as frequent as I would have liked. So this meant lots of running and lots of further aggravating my possible shin splints.


Though I'm not sure if it's shin splints for sure. I also think I bruised them when helping a friend move on Saturday. They feel bumpy and look bruised. And hurt like the dickens. That's right. The dickens.

I have this vision of while I'm running that my legs just crumble under me because I somehow fractured them and the impact from the running is making the fracture bigger and bigger and then SNAP. I'm down. But you know what the good news is? I'd have my trusty BB! Hah. Who's mocking who now?!

So with the above in mind, I am still debating whether I should go for a run tomorrow morning or not. I have Beach Volleyball after work tomorrow so that might satisfy my quota of exercise for the day. Hopefully it doesn't further worsen my poor shins! I will keep you posted, as I am sure you are dying of curiosity!

Lessons learned:
  1. Shin splints are no laughing matter!
  2. Most people don't approve of my wall pushups. Fine. I will do sissy knee pushups.
I think I'm learning less and less with each passing day. :/


  1. I sometimes do pushups against a counter...kind of halfway between the wall and the floor. My muscles hurt afterwards, which means that either a) it has some merit as exercise
    b) i'm a huge weakling


  2. The most boring post yet Connie! You know what I read when I read this post: EXCUSES! But I do agree with your cousin, you shouldn't be running everyday. Give yourself every other day and you'll actually see much better results. Most common problem is over training, which works against you. I'll see you at V-ball and I'll show you how to deal with those pesky shin splints.

  3. I used to get shin splints when I started dancing a lot :(
    They do suck.

    What on earth is a BB?
    ... besides the things you shoot out of an airgun.

  4. so i've been meaning to comment.
    i am very proud of you :)
    you're an inspiration

  5. GAARRHH, having issues posting a message! Anyway, long story short again.. I have shin splints from my jump rope adventures. Give your shins time to heal!! PS It's Charles in case I don't get it to work this time...

  6. Your shin splints are caused by your bad running shoes! Please do NOT run again until you have good shoes. You can do a lot of damage to your feet and legs (which can have long term affects). Also, when you do get good shoes, don't wear them to do other activities if you can help it. So maybe you need to get another pair for UF? Lol... I just gave you 2 reasons to shop. Don't you love me? Come to London and I will go shopping with you... I know you LOVE that!

  7. Shin splints can also be caused by a bad stride when running. Make sure that your stride isn't too long and that you're not coming down hard on your heel. Hehe maybe there are some youtube videos with instructions. :P

    Another problem could be that your calf is much stronger than the muscle near your shin, and there could be an imbalance. I'll have to find them, but there are excersises you can do to strenghthen the muscle. It takes a couple of weeks, but you really don't want to have them as you can get stress fractures in your leg.
