Friday, July 24, 2009

on your mark, get set, go!

First, thank goodness it's Friday!

Second, I had a good run this morning!

So lately, I have been running into so many people who run! I went out for dinner last night with some friends I haven't seen in a while and I found out that a few of them have recently started running. So now everyone wants to go running - although the problem is that they can all run more than I can. I am not yet ready to run with other people! Maybe once I'm done or close to done my 5k training. However, it's nice to know that there are people to run with! I think I have always known people who ran, but I probably just chose to ignore that piece of information until now. Apparently I'm very egocentric!

This morning concludes week 2 of the Couch to 5K training.

I think I finally did the math right! Following the 5-minute warmup, I did 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking 6.5 times. Ok, I know I was supposed to stop at 6, but I didn't map out the distance properly so I was still far enough from home that I could throw in another 90 seconds of running! Besides, I had to make up for my dismal showing this week!

It was good, though! At first I was pretty tired, but as I got to about the 5th set and beyond, I started to get a bit more energy. I'm looking forward to either going rollerblading or biking this weekend and starting in on Week 3's training next week! I'm really excited about this 5k! Even six months ago, hell, 2 months ago I would not have thought this is what I would be doing this summer!

By the way, I know I said I was giving up cheese so I have to confess that on Wenesday night I forgot (I know I made the vow on Wednesday morning!). But now I'm off the cheese again. For reals.

Oh, crap. There might have been cheese in the soup I had today. Ok, but not my fault! It wasn't obvious! Oops.

So anyways! After the run, more lunges and squats! I did 3 sets of 10 reps each. But this time I also stretched a lot more, so hopefully I won't be in as much pain as I have been in the days to come.

Lessons Learned:
  1. Lots of people I know run! This should help keep me motivated.
  2. Clearly, I need to stick to Asian food to get away from the cheese! Mm Korean food.
  3. Fine. Stretching is important. >: It's just so boring!
  4. I need more snack ideas for mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Suggestions?
  5. I need to incorporate a greater variety of vegetables into my diet.

So, back to the 5k in September. I will be registering next week some time.

We will go on a practice 5k (or maybe 3 or 4k depending :) run when Charles comes to visit in late August/early September! Fun times!

Ok, happy Friday! I'm off to the beach B)


  1. Some great mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are donuts, ice cream, chocolate bars, chips, cookies ...


    Seriously though, for mid-day snacks I usually keep a box of healthy granola or nut bars at my desk. Sometimes I'll bring some low-fat yogurt, a fruit pack (Mmm ... mandarines are good!), or even a protein bar. Sometimes if I don't get a chance to bring a snack with me, I'll just eat my lunch in two separate sittings so that I'm eating less but more often, which is supposed to speed up the metabolism.

    I'm sure you'll figure something out! What's important is now you're exercising AND making small (but actually 'BIG') changes to your diet ... you'll be hitting all your targets in no time, and will feel great. At least you don't have a smoking habit! Now THAT'S a whole other mountain to climb.

  2. speaking of mountains to climb.. i'm reading that book three cups of tea and now i want to climb mountains! :)

    maybe for my 30th birthday i'll climb a small mountain ;) haha..

  3. hey, if you're looking for books to read about climbing, read "Into Thin Air" or "Addicted to Danger" by Jon Krakuer (spelling?). :D That'll get you to want to climb Mt. Everest!

    That is all.

  4. You can cross out Lesson 4 by following through on Lesson 5. Go the grocery store and browse the veggie aisle. Carrots and peppers are the first things that come to mind. Or maybe even a salad.

    Presto! Snack AND more veggies.

  5. you know where they have MOUNTAINS?!
    come visit!

  6. Just watch TV while you stretch and the time flies ;)
